Around The World Project

Okay I had a marvelous idea last night, I barely slept because I was so excited to tell you guys. People who really know me, know that there are 2 things that I love and can’t live without. 1. Good Food and 2. Travellig. So I was thinking of way to combine those 2 interests. And I had an epiphany! Why not challenge myself to cook around the world, not literally ofcourse ain’t got the cash for that (I wish I did, if someone wants to invest in me travelling around the world cooking in every country known to men please contact me as soon as possible! because that would be awesome! :D ) So I hereby present you THE PLAN thum thum thum …

Every week I will make a dish from another country.My atlas contains 280 countries, so it will take me a while :P . In the meanwhile I will also try to post normal recipes, of what I eat during the other days.